綠芽創意 台灣原住民服裝與圖騰特色圖A4資料夾 文件夾公文夾 文具 台灣原住民部落
Greens綠芽創意有限公司成立於2010年,致力於提升台灣形象及自有品牌推廣,業務範疇包括平面設計、包裝設計、產品設計與企業商品禮贈品規劃等,自有品牌秉持「推動新生活,帶動新潮流」的宗旨,持續的開發多樣產品,帶給消費者更便利與優質的生活。在2012年首度與台灣三麗鷗合作,推出「三麗鷗壓克力感應票卡套」。 2014年更積極合作食品市場,結合綠芽自有品牌與三麗鷗的授權圖像,推出具台灣在地特色水果製品與原住民特色飲品。
Established in 2010, Greens endeavors to promote Taiwanese image and its own brand. Our business includes graphic design, package design, product design and business incentive planning. We uphold the aim of “Promoting New Life, Leading New Fashion” in our own brand. Greens continues to develop feature products of local culture, in hopes of providing consumers a more convenient and quality life.
In 2012, Greens worked with Sanrio Taiwan for the first time to provide customers with the “Sanrio Acrylic Card Covers”. In 2014, we have worked further with the food industry to combine our own brands and authorized images of Sanrio to provide customers with local Taiwanese fruit products and aboriginal style drinks.
台灣原住民 台灣原民 台灣部落設計商品 台灣文創 原民部落設計 台灣原住民部落圖騰 台灣原住民部落文化 原民部落商品
Taiwanese aborigines Taiwanese indigenous peoples
Formosan people Austronesian Taiwanese
Gāoshān people Ami Atayal Bunun Hla'alua Kanakanavu Kavalan Paiwan Puyuma Rukai SaisiyatTao Thao Tsou TrukuSakizaya Sediq
Taiwanese aborigines totem Taiwanese aborigines art
Taiwanese aborigines design Taiwanese aborigines craft
Formosan aborigines totem Formosan aborigines ard
Formosan aborigines design Formosan aborigines craft
Taiwan Craft culture Taiwan craft store Taiwan craft goods
台灣禮品館 商品大街直連:
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