和碩PEGA Colorup 吸色燈 創意燈飾 桌燈 燈具 居家用品
如同滴管可以汲水的意象,ColorUp使用矽膠為主要材質,保留其特有的彈性與韌度。將底部輕觸物件後,輕輕擠壓即可吸取顏色; 透過簡單的感測器與色彩轉換技術,ColorUp可呈現出上百種顏色的燈光,是營造居家氛圍最有趣的創意燈具
Color is a stimulant; there is a long list of history demonstrating how color affects our emotions. Colors are used in advertisements to generate impulsive shopping, they are used in paintings to express passion and they are used in venues to create atmosphere.
ColorUp is an interactive lamp which can capture and illuminate colors, mimicking the hues of any physical object by placing it on a surface and squeezing the bulb shaped top. ColorUp uses color-frequencies detecting and transforming technology, allowing you to grab a few hundred frequencies of colors and beam them through the bulb.
規格:14.5(L) x 14.5(W) x 22(H)cm
關於 和碩設計(PEGA D&E)
和碩設計(PEGA D&E)為全球知名代工大廠和碩聯合科技(PEGATRON)之設計團隊。和碩設計除在資訊產品屢獲世界各大獎項外,更因設計師群長期關注消費者生活與全球趨勢,近年來以顛覆常規、打破框架的創意設計遊走世界知名設計展。設計,是工作,更是生活的全部。物件,是需求,更是需要的實現。和碩設計,讓生活更添樂趣。
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