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 首頁 > 最新消息 > 【 台灣工藝之巔 - 頂級工藝之美.向大師致敬 】:2019年2月2日~6月2日-臺北當代工藝設計分館
【 台灣工藝之巔 - 頂級工藝之美.向大師致敬 】:2019年2月2日~6月2日-臺北當代工藝設計分館

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【 台灣工藝之巔 - 頂級工藝之美.向大師致敬 】

2019年2月2日 (六)~2019年6月2日 (日)

周二至周日09:30~17:30 (周一停展)


★ 本展簡介:

★ 活動介紹:




“The Top of Craft” brings together 62 national craft master from all of Taiwan, and total of 109 top level works are presented here. The works include wooden crafts, ceramics, metalsmithing, glassware, jade & stone craft, bamboo and rattan braiding, lacquerware and indigo dyeing, etc. . The craft works continue the traditional craftsmanship, taking all kinds of media from the natural , using the differences between the media to make the works more diverse and vital.

Craft is a representation of national culture. Craftsman is the carrier of Taiwan's cultural continuity, and the development of crafts represents the evolution of human civilization. Starting from basic survival management, it supports people's life styles that maintain efficiency, convenience and continuous improvement. At the same time, it symbolizes the overall cultural connotation. This group of national craft masters have their persistence and enthusiasm for craftsmanship, and they are able to sway their talents in the creative process, and find fun in the production process, so that the craft works can be perfectly presented.

The theme of this exhibit is derived from parent-child time, childhood memories, attitudes towards life, natural landscapes, historical origins, modern art and abstract ideas. The feelings of everyday life are refined through different media. Let the craft works evoke our common memories and the experiences of this generation, and bring you into an artistic experience full of body, mind and spirit.

台北市 中正區 南海路41號 (建國高中正對面)

★台灣禮品館 旗艦店
台北市 中正區 南海路41號2樓

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